


Last activity: 2023-08-11 00:49:00


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2023-08-11 00:49:00

Conducted a Street Audit

Street audit was conducted at various locations across the country. The audit takes about 15mins to complete and is done through a whatsapp-based chatbot. The tool enables citizens to identify issues in their streets, understand the problems and investigate by collecting hyper-local data.

The Street Audit Toolkit was also used to audit streets. Refer to the toolkit below-
Street Audit Toolkit: http://tinyurl.com/59bahpx4
Click on the following link to know more: http://tinyurl.com/ycxarjwk
Chatbot link: http://tinyurl.com/yckcu7dk

2023-08-11 00:48:58

Conducted a Street Audit

Street audit was conducted at various locations across the country. The audit takes about 15mins to complete and is done through a whatsapp-based chatbot. The tool enables citizens to identify issues in their streets, understand the problems and investigate by collecting hyper-local data.

The Street Audit Toolkit was also used to audit streets. Refer to the toolkit below-
Street Audit Toolkit: http://tinyurl.com/59bahpx4
Click on the following link to know more: http://tinyurl.com/ycxarjwk
Chatbot link: http://tinyurl.com/yckcu7dk

2023-08-11 00:48:25

Conducted a Street Audit

Street audit was conducted at various locations across the country. The audit takes about 15mins to complete and is done through a whatsapp-based chatbot. The tool enables citizens to identify issues in their streets, understand the problems and investigate by collecting hyper-local data.

The Street Audit Toolkit was also used to audit streets. Refer to the toolkit below-
Street Audit Toolkit: http://tinyurl.com/59bahpx4
Click on the following link to know more: http://tinyurl.com/ycxarjwk
Chatbot link: http://tinyurl.com/yckcu7dk

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I planted a plant today

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I used the waste soy bottle and planted a money plant.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I used the waste bottle and painted it and kept a plant

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Investigated and collected local information

I went to eco service to know what they do with glass that is produced. And figured out they put the waste into the ground. They barry it.1

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Investigated and collected local information

I went to ecoservice to know more about problems on what they do with plastic1

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had used a waste mug to keep the money plant

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Joined a Campaign

I had inspired this boy in the village to create paper cup by reusing the paper that he haf

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Engaged Citizens

conducted session for I conducted a session on waste management and asked them what all we can do and Last time I had inspired them to take actions

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Reported an issue

I saw the garbage collectors burn plastic and gave them a talk on not to burn them

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Reported an issue

As I was driving with my mom I spotted this dumpage of plastic and burning of plastic

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Investigated and collected local information

I went and talked to an adult regarding this problem I spotted of plastic garbage dumps

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

With the help of the gardner I managed to fix the issue of water stagnation.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had planted some cactus plants today

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I planted some putrose today.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had planted some plants by reusing the waste plastic produced

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Investigated and collected local information

I had inspired my friend to take actions. By reusing the water wasted by the filter to use it to water the plants

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had inspired my sister to take actions. She had saved 3-4litters of water from the filter

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I inspired my mom to take some actions she managed to make a basket out of waste newspapers

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Engaged Citizens

I had fed my dog with the leftover milk

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Joined a Campaign

Today I had conducted a campaign on waste management on how to recycle the waste papers I had asked the students to bring waste newspapers from their house. Later I asked them to go find coconut shells from their surroundings. After that I asked them to tear up or cut the newspapers into small small pieces and asked them to soak it in the waste paint bucket I found lying around. One of the students went and brought a mixy jar from their house. The older students and I grinded the papers. After that I helped in mixing the glue with the paper and gave it to them to make their own cups. They were so happy and wanted more sessions to be taken like this next time.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had asked my mom what I could do with the waste paper and how I could recycle it . My mom said that we can make paper cups. I got really excited as she was explaining the process to make a paper cup so I had asked her to help me make the cups. I had cut the waste papers into small small pieces and soaked it in water Later my mom said go find a waste cloth and the shell of a coconut. I went and brought the coconut shell which was lying around and also found a waste cloth from the trash. I brought them and gave them to my mom. Later she helped me grind the papers. And we used glue to mix. Later we put the cloth on top of the shells. And my mom had helped me create the paper cups. After that I took the cups and left them to dry in the sun.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Engaged Citizens

conducted session for I had conducted this session in order to make my students aware on how to reuse paper.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Investigated and collected local information

I had done a waste audit with 3 people in my neighborhood. I started small so that I can dent big. I went and asked people the questions I had prepared in my prototype. They had answered as much as possible later I had an idea what I can do further1

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had put my bangles, my oil bottle my bindi and my mark in a plastic box that I found that was not been used but was going to be thrown away so I used this box to keep these materials.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

We have so many tablets in my house and it gets lost sometimes. So I decided I need to keep my tablets safe and saw a cardboard box that was lying around I took the cardboard box and put my medicines in

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

My friend had given me a plastic box that she didn't want after that I thought how else can I usr the box. Then only I got an idea that I can keep my night utensils in that so that I don't keep searching for them everywhere

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

The dish washing soap bar came in a plastic box. As I was wondering what to do with it I remembered that I could put my earings in it instead of throwing it

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had planted a plant today I just enjoyed planting .

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

After eating ice cream I didn't want to throw the cup away I wanted to reuse it so I had an idea to put the knives and spoons in it

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had planted a December plant in my garden today.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I love painting but I didn't have a place to store my paints. That's when a friend of mine was saying that her box was lying around so I asked her whether I can take it and I managed to put my paints in that box

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

Today morning I had planted a lemon plant in my garden🤗

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

After drinking the syrup which was in the glass bottle I decided to reuse the bottle so I had went and plucked a money plant and filled the bottle with water and put the money plant in it

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had a metal box lying around . I thought I could do something useful. As most of the times my jewelry all get misplaced I thought it would be a good idea to store my things in their. So I reused that box. To keep my jewelry

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I realized as I walked by to go out that in front their was a drainage block and the water hadn't been going due to food waste in it and leaves stuck in it. So I started clearing the water with my feet and luckily all water went to the grass . Later I took a stick and started digging in and took out the waste.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

My friend had given me a Britannia cake. I had ate the cake knowing that there will be a plastic container in it. So after eating the cake I took the container and filled up soil in it and had sowed my chilli seeds in it.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had used the glass jars, bornvita box and which ever material was lying around to put my ingredients in it.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Investigated and collected local information

I had gone to eco service to find out More about our waste that is produced. When I went there I saw that people were crushing the plastic bottles and packing it up1

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had spotted out that crows were crowing so I wanted to feed them. So I had brought the food I had and fed the crow

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I found out that my sister had hard time in keeping her tablets safe and together so I thought of an idea and found a plastic box and later I had put her tablets in that box. And told her now she won't have hard time

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

After eating lunch with my hands I needed to wash my hands so I put a vessel under to collect the water after washing my hands and had used the same water to water my plant

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had fed my dog with the leftover food I had.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Investigated and collected local information

I had gone to eco service to know more about my problem statement on waste management. There I figured out that thermokol a none recyable, un disposal material was used to make as walls. It was so amazing the way of creating that these people brought1

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

As I was going to my frisbee session this morning. I spoted that the truck had a leakage of water. I over took the truck and told them there is wastage of water. But they said that the tap is broken not working properly. And that they will try to fix the issue

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Investigated and collected local information

I had gone to eco service to find out on what happens to our waste produced. So I went and did an investigation audit and figured out that the glass bottles were reused to be made as a decoration in the parking lot. After seeing that I realized I can do so many things with the glass botttle1

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Engaged Citizens

conducted session for Hi my name is gothai. I conducted a waste reduction and resuing session with my playquity girls in order to bring awareness

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had fed the dog with my leftover food.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

After making apple juice and filtering the apple there was the leftovers so I used it as a compost for my plant

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

After eating mango on my plate I washed the plate and poured the water for the plants

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I ate an orange today. And saw a stem in it. So I wanted to use my creativity and poured oil in a cup with the orange in it and lit it to use it as a candle and it worked 🤗

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

Now we are getting milk in a bottle. And this milk which we get lies in front of our house but the problem started when the milk bottle had been spilt. So I decided to keep a bag and kept it the empty bottles in there and told the person who brings milk for us to keep the milk in the bag so it is safe till we collect it

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

My brother brought orchaid plant this evening and I saw that this plastic pot was lying around. I put charcoals and the orchid plant into it and with the help of my brother I managed to tie the orchid on top

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

So I usually drink bornvita. And the bornvita got finished. I didn't want to throw the container away so I decided to reuse the container. I washed the container and poured cooking oil into it.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I used the water to water the plants after washing the dishes and fruit.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had fed a dog on the street with the leftover food that was there in my aunt's house

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Investigated and collected local information

I had spoke to few eldery people on my investigation on the garbage dump along the road. I had came to know few main reasons behind the issue of garbage dump and also figured out that the government authority are giving there best to keep the place clean1

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Investigated and collected local information

As I was driving to my aunt's house I had discovered that garbage dump had covered the road side. So I started to investigate more on this issue on who are the stakeholders. Then only I discovered, found out that the stake holders are the village people and they just throw the trash outside.1

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had waste one side papers. So I used that one side used papers and coloured them and had cut them in my favorite shapes and pasted them on my living room

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Reported an issue

I had noticed garbage that had been dumped in front of the road and spoke to my uncle about this issue on how people are polluting this world

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I used the water to water the plants after washing my plate

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I came to my aunt's house. And was chilling. When I had went to drink water the tap was dripping. So I started to look closer and figured out the tap was not closed to it's full potential. So I just closed it tighter

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I just heard water dripping so I searched around my house for leakages thats when I spotted a leakage in the tap and realized that one of my family member hadn't closed the tap properly so I closed again tha tap

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Engaged Citizens

conducted session for On separation of waste

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had gone looking for leakage in my house and first I had spotted the leakage in my bathroom and had put a bucket Under

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

My mom had bought injections for her. And the injections had come in a cardboard box. And since there is so many tablets that my mom consumes for her health I decided to make her life easier my arranging the tablets in the same cardboard box

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had a paint box that was lying down in the waste. So I decided to take it and put my color pencils in it and used it as a pencil stand.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had used the left over food and had fed my dog.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Joined a Campaign

Today was mass cleaning and plantation drive day in auroville. So this started @ 7am. We had gone driving to one place and started collect wastes

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I was just walking out of my house to get my lunch and had spotted out the leakage in this tap. I was try to figure out how to fix it then I saw a plastic box next to me. So I used that to store the wastage of water

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Investigated and collected local information

I had gone to a village and met to young girls working early morning. I had seen the crave in their eyes to go to play. But they had to do house hold chores and wash the dishes. They weren't able to go play as the boys but had to cook and stay at home.1

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had took the left over food we had and wanted to feed the monkeys. It was hard for me to capture the monkey eating the food because each time I tried to capture they weren't coming to eat the food. They ran away. But I tried my best

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had separeted plastic waste, paper waste into to bins. And I had also washed the polothyen bags which had food in them to dispose it.

2023-07-19 18:51:07

Solved a problem

I figured out that here in my friends house there was water leakage happening and lots of water was getting wasted. So I wanted to fix the problem so I looked through to see what I can do. I simply had tightened the pipe and fixed the issue

2023-07-19 18:44:46


I planted a plant today

2023-07-19 18:44:46


I used the waste soy bottle and planted a money plant.

2023-07-19 18:44:46


I used the waste bottle and painted it and kept a plant

2023-07-19 18:44:46


I went to eco service to know what they do with glass that is produced. And figured out they put the waste into the ground. They barry it.1

2023-07-19 18:44:46


I went to ecoservice to know more about problems on what they do with plastic1

2023-07-19 18:44:46


I had used a waste mug to keep the money plant

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had inspired this boy in the village to create paper cup by reusing the paper that he haf

2023-07-19 18:44:45


conducted session for I conducted a session on waste management and asked them what all we can do and Last time I had inspired them to take actions

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I saw the garbage collectors burn plastic and gave them a talk on not to burn them

2023-07-19 18:44:45


As I was driving with my mom I spotted this dumpage of plastic and burning of plastic

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I went and talked to an adult regarding this problem I spotted of plastic garbage dumps

2023-07-19 18:44:45


With the help of the gardner I managed to fix the issue of water stagnation.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had planted some cactus plants today

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I planted some putrose today.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had planted some plants by reusing the waste plastic produced

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had inspired my friend to take actions. By reusing the water wasted by the filter to use it to water the plants

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had inspired my sister to take actions. She had saved 3-4litters of water from the filter

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I inspired my mom to take some actions she managed to make a basket out of waste newspapers

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had fed my dog with the leftover milk

2023-07-19 18:44:45


Today I had conducted a campaign on waste management on how to recycle the waste papers I had asked the students to bring waste newspapers from their house. Later I asked them to go find coconut shells from their surroundings. After that I asked them to tear up or cut the newspapers into small small pieces and asked them to soak it in the waste paint bucket I found lying around. One of the students went and brought a mixy jar from their house. The older students and I grinded the papers. After that I helped in mixing the glue with the paper and gave it to them to make their own cups. They were so happy and wanted more sessions to be taken like this next time.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had asked my mom what I could do with the waste paper and how I could recycle it . My mom said that we can make paper cups. I got really excited as she was explaining the process to make a paper cup so I had asked her to help me make the cups. I had cut the waste papers into small small pieces and soaked it in water Later my mom said go find a waste cloth and the shell of a coconut. I went and brought the coconut shell which was lying around and also found a waste cloth from the trash. I brought them and gave them to my mom. Later she helped me grind the papers. And we used glue to mix. Later we put the cloth on top of the shells. And my mom had helped me create the paper cups. After that I took the cups and left them to dry in the sun.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


conducted session for I had conducted this session in order to make my students aware on how to reuse paper.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had done a waste audit with 3 people in my neighborhood. I started small so that I can dent big. I went and asked people the questions I had prepared in my prototype. They had answered as much as possible later I had an idea what I can do further1

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had put my bangles, my oil bottle my bindi and my mark in a plastic box that I found that was not been used but was going to be thrown away so I used this box to keep these materials.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


We have so many tablets in my house and it gets lost sometimes. So I decided I need to keep my tablets safe and saw a cardboard box that was lying around I took the cardboard box and put my medicines in

2023-07-19 18:44:45


My friend had given me a plastic box that she didn't want after that I thought how else can I usr the box. Then only I got an idea that I can keep my night utensils in that so that I don't keep searching for them everywhere

2023-07-19 18:44:45


The dish washing soap bar came in a plastic box. As I was wondering what to do with it I remembered that I could put my earings in it instead of throwing it

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had planted a plant today I just enjoyed planting .

2023-07-19 18:44:45


After eating ice cream I didn't want to throw the cup away I wanted to reuse it so I had an idea to put the knives and spoons in it

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had planted a December plant in my garden today.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I love painting but I didn't have a place to store my paints. That's when a friend of mine was saying that her box was lying around so I asked her whether I can take it and I managed to put my paints in that box

2023-07-19 18:44:45


Today morning I had planted a lemon plant in my garden🤗

2023-07-19 18:44:45


After drinking the syrup which was in the glass bottle I decided to reuse the bottle so I had went and plucked a money plant and filled the bottle with water and put the money plant in it

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had a metal box lying around . I thought I could do something useful. As most of the times my jewelry all get misplaced I thought it would be a good idea to store my things in their. So I reused that box. To keep my jewelry

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I realized as I walked by to go out that in front their was a drainage block and the water hadn't been going due to food waste in it and leaves stuck in it. So I started clearing the water with my feet and luckily all water went to the grass . Later I took a stick and started digging in and took out the waste.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


My friend had given me a Britannia cake. I had ate the cake knowing that there will be a plastic container in it. So after eating the cake I took the container and filled up soil in it and had sowed my chilli seeds in it.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had used the glass jars, bornvita box and which ever material was lying around to put my ingredients in it.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had gone to eco service to find out More about our waste that is produced. When I went there I saw that people were crushing the plastic bottles and packing it up1

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had spotted out that crows were crowing so I wanted to feed them. So I had brought the food I had and fed the crow

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I found out that my sister had hard time in keeping her tablets safe and together so I thought of an idea and found a plastic box and later I had put her tablets in that box. And told her now she won't have hard time

2023-07-19 18:44:45


After eating lunch with my hands I needed to wash my hands so I put a vessel under to collect the water after washing my hands and had used the same water to water my plant

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had fed my dog with the leftover food I had.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had gone to eco service to know more about my problem statement on waste management. There I figured out that thermokol a none recyable, un disposal material was used to make as walls. It was so amazing the way of creating that these people brought1

2023-07-19 18:44:45


As I was going to my frisbee session this morning. I spoted that the truck had a leakage of water. I over took the truck and told them there is wastage of water. But they said that the tap is broken not working properly. And that they will try to fix the issue

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had gone to eco service to find out on what happens to our waste produced. So I went and did an investigation audit and figured out that the glass bottles were reused to be made as a decoration in the parking lot. After seeing that I realized I can do so many things with the glass botttle1

2023-07-19 18:44:45


conducted session for Hi my name is gothai. I conducted a waste reduction and resuing session with my playquity girls in order to bring awareness

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had fed the dog with my leftover food.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


After making apple juice and filtering the apple there was the leftovers so I used it as a compost for my plant

2023-07-19 18:44:45


After eating mango on my plate I washed the plate and poured the water for the plants

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I ate an orange today. And saw a stem in it. So I wanted to use my creativity and poured oil in a cup with the orange in it and lit it to use it as a candle and it worked 🤗

2023-07-19 18:44:45


Now we are getting milk in a bottle. And this milk which we get lies in front of our house but the problem started when the milk bottle had been spilt. So I decided to keep a bag and kept it the empty bottles in there and told the person who brings milk for us to keep the milk in the bag so it is safe till we collect it

2023-07-19 18:44:45


My brother brought orchaid plant this evening and I saw that this plastic pot was lying around. I put charcoals and the orchid plant into it and with the help of my brother I managed to tie the orchid on top

2023-07-19 18:44:44


So I usually drink bornvita. And the bornvita got finished. I didn't want to throw the container away so I decided to reuse the container. I washed the container and poured cooking oil into it.

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I used the water to water the plants after washing the dishes and fruit.

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had fed a dog on the street with the leftover food that was there in my aunt's house

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had spoke to few eldery people on my investigation on the garbage dump along the road. I had came to know few main reasons behind the issue of garbage dump and also figured out that the government authority are giving there best to keep the place clean1

2023-07-19 18:44:44


As I was driving to my aunt's house I had discovered that garbage dump had covered the road side. So I started to investigate more on this issue on who are the stakeholders. Then only I discovered, found out that the stake holders are the village people and they just throw the trash outside.1

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had waste one side papers. So I used that one side used papers and coloured them and had cut them in my favorite shapes and pasted them on my living room

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had noticed garbage that had been dumped in front of the road and spoke to my uncle about this issue on how people are polluting this world

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I used the water to water the plants after washing my plate

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I came to my aunt's house. And was chilling. When I had went to drink water the tap was dripping. So I started to look closer and figured out the tap was not closed to it's full potential. So I just closed it tighter

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I just heard water dripping so I searched around my house for leakages thats when I spotted a leakage in the tap and realized that one of my family member hadn't closed the tap properly so I closed again tha tap

2023-07-19 18:44:44


conducted session for On separation of waste

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had gone looking for leakage in my house and first I had spotted the leakage in my bathroom and had put a bucket Under

2023-07-19 18:44:44


My mom had bought injections for her. And the injections had come in a cardboard box. And since there is so many tablets that my mom consumes for her health I decided to make her life easier my arranging the tablets in the same cardboard box

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had a paint box that was lying down in the waste. So I decided to take it and put my color pencils in it and used it as a pencil stand.

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had used the left over food and had fed my dog.

2023-07-19 18:44:44


Today was mass cleaning and plantation drive day in auroville. So this started @ 7am. We had gone driving to one place and started collect wastes

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I was just walking out of my house to get my lunch and had spotted out the leakage in this tap. I was try to figure out how to fix it then I saw a plastic box next to me. So I used that to store the wastage of water

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had gone to a village and met to young girls working early morning. I had seen the crave in their eyes to go to play. But they had to do house hold chores and wash the dishes. They weren't able to go play as the boys but had to cook and stay at home.1

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had took the left over food we had and wanted to feed the monkeys. It was hard for me to capture the monkey eating the food because each time I tried to capture they weren't coming to eat the food. They ran away. But I tried my best

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had separeted plastic waste, paper waste into to bins. And I had also washed the polothyen bags which had food in them to dispose it.

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I figured out that here in my friends house there was water leakage happening and lots of water was getting wasted. So I wanted to fix the problem so I looked through to see what I can do. I simply had tightened the pipe and fixed the issue🤗

Hours Invested 146.75
Actions Taken 149


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Critical Thinking
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Community Collaboration

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2023-08-11 00:49:00

Conducted a Street Audit

Street audit was conducted at various locations across the country. The audit takes about 15mins to complete and is done through a whatsapp-based chatbot. The tool enables citizens to identify issues in their streets, understand the problems and investigate by collecting hyper-local data.

The Street Audit Toolkit was also used to audit streets. Refer to the toolkit below-
Street Audit Toolkit: http://tinyurl.com/59bahpx4
Click on the following link to know more: http://tinyurl.com/ycxarjwk
Chatbot link: http://tinyurl.com/yckcu7dk

2023-08-11 00:48:58

Conducted a Street Audit

Street audit was conducted at various locations across the country. The audit takes about 15mins to complete and is done through a whatsapp-based chatbot. The tool enables citizens to identify issues in their streets, understand the problems and investigate by collecting hyper-local data.

The Street Audit Toolkit was also used to audit streets. Refer to the toolkit below-
Street Audit Toolkit: http://tinyurl.com/59bahpx4
Click on the following link to know more: http://tinyurl.com/ycxarjwk
Chatbot link: http://tinyurl.com/yckcu7dk

2023-08-11 00:48:25

Conducted a Street Audit

Street audit was conducted at various locations across the country. The audit takes about 15mins to complete and is done through a whatsapp-based chatbot. The tool enables citizens to identify issues in their streets, understand the problems and investigate by collecting hyper-local data.

The Street Audit Toolkit was also used to audit streets. Refer to the toolkit below-
Street Audit Toolkit: http://tinyurl.com/59bahpx4
Click on the following link to know more: http://tinyurl.com/ycxarjwk
Chatbot link: http://tinyurl.com/yckcu7dk

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I planted a plant today

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I used the waste soy bottle and planted a money plant.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I used the waste bottle and painted it and kept a plant

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Investigated and collected local information

I went to eco service to know what they do with glass that is produced. And figured out they put the waste into the ground. They barry it.1

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Investigated and collected local information

I went to ecoservice to know more about problems on what they do with plastic1

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had used a waste mug to keep the money plant

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Joined a Campaign

I had inspired this boy in the village to create paper cup by reusing the paper that he haf

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Engaged Citizens

conducted session for I conducted a session on waste management and asked them what all we can do and Last time I had inspired them to take actions

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Reported an issue

I saw the garbage collectors burn plastic and gave them a talk on not to burn them

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Reported an issue

As I was driving with my mom I spotted this dumpage of plastic and burning of plastic

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Investigated and collected local information

I went and talked to an adult regarding this problem I spotted of plastic garbage dumps

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

With the help of the gardner I managed to fix the issue of water stagnation.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had planted some cactus plants today

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I planted some putrose today.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had planted some plants by reusing the waste plastic produced

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Investigated and collected local information

I had inspired my friend to take actions. By reusing the water wasted by the filter to use it to water the plants

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had inspired my sister to take actions. She had saved 3-4litters of water from the filter

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I inspired my mom to take some actions she managed to make a basket out of waste newspapers

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Engaged Citizens

I had fed my dog with the leftover milk

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Joined a Campaign

Today I had conducted a campaign on waste management on how to recycle the waste papers I had asked the students to bring waste newspapers from their house. Later I asked them to go find coconut shells from their surroundings. After that I asked them to tear up or cut the newspapers into small small pieces and asked them to soak it in the waste paint bucket I found lying around. One of the students went and brought a mixy jar from their house. The older students and I grinded the papers. After that I helped in mixing the glue with the paper and gave it to them to make their own cups. They were so happy and wanted more sessions to be taken like this next time.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had asked my mom what I could do with the waste paper and how I could recycle it . My mom said that we can make paper cups. I got really excited as she was explaining the process to make a paper cup so I had asked her to help me make the cups. I had cut the waste papers into small small pieces and soaked it in water Later my mom said go find a waste cloth and the shell of a coconut. I went and brought the coconut shell which was lying around and also found a waste cloth from the trash. I brought them and gave them to my mom. Later she helped me grind the papers. And we used glue to mix. Later we put the cloth on top of the shells. And my mom had helped me create the paper cups. After that I took the cups and left them to dry in the sun.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Engaged Citizens

conducted session for I had conducted this session in order to make my students aware on how to reuse paper.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Investigated and collected local information

I had done a waste audit with 3 people in my neighborhood. I started small so that I can dent big. I went and asked people the questions I had prepared in my prototype. They had answered as much as possible later I had an idea what I can do further1

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had put my bangles, my oil bottle my bindi and my mark in a plastic box that I found that was not been used but was going to be thrown away so I used this box to keep these materials.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

We have so many tablets in my house and it gets lost sometimes. So I decided I need to keep my tablets safe and saw a cardboard box that was lying around I took the cardboard box and put my medicines in

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

My friend had given me a plastic box that she didn't want after that I thought how else can I usr the box. Then only I got an idea that I can keep my night utensils in that so that I don't keep searching for them everywhere

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

The dish washing soap bar came in a plastic box. As I was wondering what to do with it I remembered that I could put my earings in it instead of throwing it

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had planted a plant today I just enjoyed planting .

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

After eating ice cream I didn't want to throw the cup away I wanted to reuse it so I had an idea to put the knives and spoons in it

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had planted a December plant in my garden today.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I love painting but I didn't have a place to store my paints. That's when a friend of mine was saying that her box was lying around so I asked her whether I can take it and I managed to put my paints in that box

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

Today morning I had planted a lemon plant in my garden🤗

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

After drinking the syrup which was in the glass bottle I decided to reuse the bottle so I had went and plucked a money plant and filled the bottle with water and put the money plant in it

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had a metal box lying around . I thought I could do something useful. As most of the times my jewelry all get misplaced I thought it would be a good idea to store my things in their. So I reused that box. To keep my jewelry

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I realized as I walked by to go out that in front their was a drainage block and the water hadn't been going due to food waste in it and leaves stuck in it. So I started clearing the water with my feet and luckily all water went to the grass . Later I took a stick and started digging in and took out the waste.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

My friend had given me a Britannia cake. I had ate the cake knowing that there will be a plastic container in it. So after eating the cake I took the container and filled up soil in it and had sowed my chilli seeds in it.

2023-07-19 18:51:09

Solved a problem

I had used the glass jars, bornvita box and which ever material was lying around to put my ingredients in it.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Investigated and collected local information

I had gone to eco service to find out More about our waste that is produced. When I went there I saw that people were crushing the plastic bottles and packing it up1

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had spotted out that crows were crowing so I wanted to feed them. So I had brought the food I had and fed the crow

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I found out that my sister had hard time in keeping her tablets safe and together so I thought of an idea and found a plastic box and later I had put her tablets in that box. And told her now she won't have hard time

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

After eating lunch with my hands I needed to wash my hands so I put a vessel under to collect the water after washing my hands and had used the same water to water my plant

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had fed my dog with the leftover food I had.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Investigated and collected local information

I had gone to eco service to know more about my problem statement on waste management. There I figured out that thermokol a none recyable, un disposal material was used to make as walls. It was so amazing the way of creating that these people brought1

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

As I was going to my frisbee session this morning. I spoted that the truck had a leakage of water. I over took the truck and told them there is wastage of water. But they said that the tap is broken not working properly. And that they will try to fix the issue

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Investigated and collected local information

I had gone to eco service to find out on what happens to our waste produced. So I went and did an investigation audit and figured out that the glass bottles were reused to be made as a decoration in the parking lot. After seeing that I realized I can do so many things with the glass botttle1

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Engaged Citizens

conducted session for Hi my name is gothai. I conducted a waste reduction and resuing session with my playquity girls in order to bring awareness

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had fed the dog with my leftover food.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

After making apple juice and filtering the apple there was the leftovers so I used it as a compost for my plant

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

After eating mango on my plate I washed the plate and poured the water for the plants

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I ate an orange today. And saw a stem in it. So I wanted to use my creativity and poured oil in a cup with the orange in it and lit it to use it as a candle and it worked 🤗

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

Now we are getting milk in a bottle. And this milk which we get lies in front of our house but the problem started when the milk bottle had been spilt. So I decided to keep a bag and kept it the empty bottles in there and told the person who brings milk for us to keep the milk in the bag so it is safe till we collect it

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

My brother brought orchaid plant this evening and I saw that this plastic pot was lying around. I put charcoals and the orchid plant into it and with the help of my brother I managed to tie the orchid on top

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

So I usually drink bornvita. And the bornvita got finished. I didn't want to throw the container away so I decided to reuse the container. I washed the container and poured cooking oil into it.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I used the water to water the plants after washing the dishes and fruit.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had fed a dog on the street with the leftover food that was there in my aunt's house

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Investigated and collected local information

I had spoke to few eldery people on my investigation on the garbage dump along the road. I had came to know few main reasons behind the issue of garbage dump and also figured out that the government authority are giving there best to keep the place clean1

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Investigated and collected local information

As I was driving to my aunt's house I had discovered that garbage dump had covered the road side. So I started to investigate more on this issue on who are the stakeholders. Then only I discovered, found out that the stake holders are the village people and they just throw the trash outside.1

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had waste one side papers. So I used that one side used papers and coloured them and had cut them in my favorite shapes and pasted them on my living room

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Reported an issue

I had noticed garbage that had been dumped in front of the road and spoke to my uncle about this issue on how people are polluting this world

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I used the water to water the plants after washing my plate

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I came to my aunt's house. And was chilling. When I had went to drink water the tap was dripping. So I started to look closer and figured out the tap was not closed to it's full potential. So I just closed it tighter

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I just heard water dripping so I searched around my house for leakages thats when I spotted a leakage in the tap and realized that one of my family member hadn't closed the tap properly so I closed again tha tap

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Engaged Citizens

conducted session for On separation of waste

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had gone looking for leakage in my house and first I had spotted the leakage in my bathroom and had put a bucket Under

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

My mom had bought injections for her. And the injections had come in a cardboard box. And since there is so many tablets that my mom consumes for her health I decided to make her life easier my arranging the tablets in the same cardboard box

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had a paint box that was lying down in the waste. So I decided to take it and put my color pencils in it and used it as a pencil stand.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had used the left over food and had fed my dog.

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Joined a Campaign

Today was mass cleaning and plantation drive day in auroville. So this started @ 7am. We had gone driving to one place and started collect wastes

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I was just walking out of my house to get my lunch and had spotted out the leakage in this tap. I was try to figure out how to fix it then I saw a plastic box next to me. So I used that to store the wastage of water

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Investigated and collected local information

I had gone to a village and met to young girls working early morning. I had seen the crave in their eyes to go to play. But they had to do house hold chores and wash the dishes. They weren't able to go play as the boys but had to cook and stay at home.1

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had took the left over food we had and wanted to feed the monkeys. It was hard for me to capture the monkey eating the food because each time I tried to capture they weren't coming to eat the food. They ran away. But I tried my best

2023-07-19 18:51:08

Solved a problem

I had separeted plastic waste, paper waste into to bins. And I had also washed the polothyen bags which had food in them to dispose it.

2023-07-19 18:51:07

Solved a problem

I figured out that here in my friends house there was water leakage happening and lots of water was getting wasted. So I wanted to fix the problem so I looked through to see what I can do. I simply had tightened the pipe and fixed the issue

2023-07-19 18:44:46


I planted a plant today

2023-07-19 18:44:46


I used the waste soy bottle and planted a money plant.

2023-07-19 18:44:46


I used the waste bottle and painted it and kept a plant

2023-07-19 18:44:46


I went to eco service to know what they do with glass that is produced. And figured out they put the waste into the ground. They barry it.1

2023-07-19 18:44:46


I went to ecoservice to know more about problems on what they do with plastic1

2023-07-19 18:44:46


I had used a waste mug to keep the money plant

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had inspired this boy in the village to create paper cup by reusing the paper that he haf

2023-07-19 18:44:45


conducted session for I conducted a session on waste management and asked them what all we can do and Last time I had inspired them to take actions

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I saw the garbage collectors burn plastic and gave them a talk on not to burn them

2023-07-19 18:44:45


As I was driving with my mom I spotted this dumpage of plastic and burning of plastic

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I went and talked to an adult regarding this problem I spotted of plastic garbage dumps

2023-07-19 18:44:45


With the help of the gardner I managed to fix the issue of water stagnation.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had planted some cactus plants today

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I planted some putrose today.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had planted some plants by reusing the waste plastic produced

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had inspired my friend to take actions. By reusing the water wasted by the filter to use it to water the plants

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had inspired my sister to take actions. She had saved 3-4litters of water from the filter

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I inspired my mom to take some actions she managed to make a basket out of waste newspapers

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had fed my dog with the leftover milk

2023-07-19 18:44:45


Today I had conducted a campaign on waste management on how to recycle the waste papers I had asked the students to bring waste newspapers from their house. Later I asked them to go find coconut shells from their surroundings. After that I asked them to tear up or cut the newspapers into small small pieces and asked them to soak it in the waste paint bucket I found lying around. One of the students went and brought a mixy jar from their house. The older students and I grinded the papers. After that I helped in mixing the glue with the paper and gave it to them to make their own cups. They were so happy and wanted more sessions to be taken like this next time.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had asked my mom what I could do with the waste paper and how I could recycle it . My mom said that we can make paper cups. I got really excited as she was explaining the process to make a paper cup so I had asked her to help me make the cups. I had cut the waste papers into small small pieces and soaked it in water Later my mom said go find a waste cloth and the shell of a coconut. I went and brought the coconut shell which was lying around and also found a waste cloth from the trash. I brought them and gave them to my mom. Later she helped me grind the papers. And we used glue to mix. Later we put the cloth on top of the shells. And my mom had helped me create the paper cups. After that I took the cups and left them to dry in the sun.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


conducted session for I had conducted this session in order to make my students aware on how to reuse paper.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had done a waste audit with 3 people in my neighborhood. I started small so that I can dent big. I went and asked people the questions I had prepared in my prototype. They had answered as much as possible later I had an idea what I can do further1

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had put my bangles, my oil bottle my bindi and my mark in a plastic box that I found that was not been used but was going to be thrown away so I used this box to keep these materials.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


We have so many tablets in my house and it gets lost sometimes. So I decided I need to keep my tablets safe and saw a cardboard box that was lying around I took the cardboard box and put my medicines in

2023-07-19 18:44:45


My friend had given me a plastic box that she didn't want after that I thought how else can I usr the box. Then only I got an idea that I can keep my night utensils in that so that I don't keep searching for them everywhere

2023-07-19 18:44:45


The dish washing soap bar came in a plastic box. As I was wondering what to do with it I remembered that I could put my earings in it instead of throwing it

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had planted a plant today I just enjoyed planting .

2023-07-19 18:44:45


After eating ice cream I didn't want to throw the cup away I wanted to reuse it so I had an idea to put the knives and spoons in it

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had planted a December plant in my garden today.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I love painting but I didn't have a place to store my paints. That's when a friend of mine was saying that her box was lying around so I asked her whether I can take it and I managed to put my paints in that box

2023-07-19 18:44:45


Today morning I had planted a lemon plant in my garden🤗

2023-07-19 18:44:45


After drinking the syrup which was in the glass bottle I decided to reuse the bottle so I had went and plucked a money plant and filled the bottle with water and put the money plant in it

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had a metal box lying around . I thought I could do something useful. As most of the times my jewelry all get misplaced I thought it would be a good idea to store my things in their. So I reused that box. To keep my jewelry

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I realized as I walked by to go out that in front their was a drainage block and the water hadn't been going due to food waste in it and leaves stuck in it. So I started clearing the water with my feet and luckily all water went to the grass . Later I took a stick and started digging in and took out the waste.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


My friend had given me a Britannia cake. I had ate the cake knowing that there will be a plastic container in it. So after eating the cake I took the container and filled up soil in it and had sowed my chilli seeds in it.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had used the glass jars, bornvita box and which ever material was lying around to put my ingredients in it.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had gone to eco service to find out More about our waste that is produced. When I went there I saw that people were crushing the plastic bottles and packing it up1

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had spotted out that crows were crowing so I wanted to feed them. So I had brought the food I had and fed the crow

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I found out that my sister had hard time in keeping her tablets safe and together so I thought of an idea and found a plastic box and later I had put her tablets in that box. And told her now she won't have hard time

2023-07-19 18:44:45


After eating lunch with my hands I needed to wash my hands so I put a vessel under to collect the water after washing my hands and had used the same water to water my plant

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had fed my dog with the leftover food I had.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had gone to eco service to know more about my problem statement on waste management. There I figured out that thermokol a none recyable, un disposal material was used to make as walls. It was so amazing the way of creating that these people brought1

2023-07-19 18:44:45


As I was going to my frisbee session this morning. I spoted that the truck had a leakage of water. I over took the truck and told them there is wastage of water. But they said that the tap is broken not working properly. And that they will try to fix the issue

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had gone to eco service to find out on what happens to our waste produced. So I went and did an investigation audit and figured out that the glass bottles were reused to be made as a decoration in the parking lot. After seeing that I realized I can do so many things with the glass botttle1

2023-07-19 18:44:45


conducted session for Hi my name is gothai. I conducted a waste reduction and resuing session with my playquity girls in order to bring awareness

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I had fed the dog with my leftover food.

2023-07-19 18:44:45


After making apple juice and filtering the apple there was the leftovers so I used it as a compost for my plant

2023-07-19 18:44:45


After eating mango on my plate I washed the plate and poured the water for the plants

2023-07-19 18:44:45


I ate an orange today. And saw a stem in it. So I wanted to use my creativity and poured oil in a cup with the orange in it and lit it to use it as a candle and it worked 🤗

2023-07-19 18:44:45


Now we are getting milk in a bottle. And this milk which we get lies in front of our house but the problem started when the milk bottle had been spilt. So I decided to keep a bag and kept it the empty bottles in there and told the person who brings milk for us to keep the milk in the bag so it is safe till we collect it

2023-07-19 18:44:45


My brother brought orchaid plant this evening and I saw that this plastic pot was lying around. I put charcoals and the orchid plant into it and with the help of my brother I managed to tie the orchid on top

2023-07-19 18:44:44


So I usually drink bornvita. And the bornvita got finished. I didn't want to throw the container away so I decided to reuse the container. I washed the container and poured cooking oil into it.

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I used the water to water the plants after washing the dishes and fruit.

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had fed a dog on the street with the leftover food that was there in my aunt's house

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had spoke to few eldery people on my investigation on the garbage dump along the road. I had came to know few main reasons behind the issue of garbage dump and also figured out that the government authority are giving there best to keep the place clean1

2023-07-19 18:44:44


As I was driving to my aunt's house I had discovered that garbage dump had covered the road side. So I started to investigate more on this issue on who are the stakeholders. Then only I discovered, found out that the stake holders are the village people and they just throw the trash outside.1

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had waste one side papers. So I used that one side used papers and coloured them and had cut them in my favorite shapes and pasted them on my living room

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had noticed garbage that had been dumped in front of the road and spoke to my uncle about this issue on how people are polluting this world

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I used the water to water the plants after washing my plate

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I came to my aunt's house. And was chilling. When I had went to drink water the tap was dripping. So I started to look closer and figured out the tap was not closed to it's full potential. So I just closed it tighter

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I just heard water dripping so I searched around my house for leakages thats when I spotted a leakage in the tap and realized that one of my family member hadn't closed the tap properly so I closed again tha tap

2023-07-19 18:44:44


conducted session for On separation of waste

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had gone looking for leakage in my house and first I had spotted the leakage in my bathroom and had put a bucket Under

2023-07-19 18:44:44


My mom had bought injections for her. And the injections had come in a cardboard box. And since there is so many tablets that my mom consumes for her health I decided to make her life easier my arranging the tablets in the same cardboard box

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had a paint box that was lying down in the waste. So I decided to take it and put my color pencils in it and used it as a pencil stand.

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had used the left over food and had fed my dog.

2023-07-19 18:44:44


Today was mass cleaning and plantation drive day in auroville. So this started @ 7am. We had gone driving to one place and started collect wastes

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I was just walking out of my house to get my lunch and had spotted out the leakage in this tap. I was try to figure out how to fix it then I saw a plastic box next to me. So I used that to store the wastage of water

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had gone to a village and met to young girls working early morning. I had seen the crave in their eyes to go to play. But they had to do house hold chores and wash the dishes. They weren't able to go play as the boys but had to cook and stay at home.1

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had took the left over food we had and wanted to feed the monkeys. It was hard for me to capture the monkey eating the food because each time I tried to capture they weren't coming to eat the food. They ran away. But I tried my best

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I had separeted plastic waste, paper waste into to bins. And I had also washed the polothyen bags which had food in them to dispose it.

2023-07-19 18:44:44


I figured out that here in my friends house there was water leakage happening and lots of water was getting wasted. So I wanted to fix the problem so I looked through to see what I can do. I simply had tightened the pipe and fixed the issue🤗