


Last activity: 2023-07-19 20:06:17


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Hours Invested 263.0
Actions Taken 6
Skill Badges
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Data Orientation
Applied Empathy
Hands on
Community Collaboration

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2023-07-19 20:06:17

Reusing the plastic

Made sure that Whole team is thinking to implement same method in this school

2023-07-19 20:06:17

Addressing paper waste issue in the school

To reduce the paper waste and resue it they have kept separate dustbin. Total 2 dustbins were given. It has been kept in the corridor. Along with that we also have added signboards. Award system has been introduced so that they maintain it regularly

2023-07-19 20:06:17

Monitoring system

from each class leaders will monitor everyday, we have nomnated a team for whole school, to address students issues, even teachers have been nominated.

2023-07-19 20:06:17

Attractive dustbin

Attractive 3 HCD were given to school, later we collected feedback to understand why they need HCD. Later we created a food waste dustbin separately. Practically we taught about compsting too.

2023-07-19 20:06:17


We went to Karnataka public school to create awarenss about the importance about waste segrgation in schools, we chose this cz we felt it was difficult to reach everyone in the village ie 7000 hence we interacted with 200 students out of 450. We have used charts for it.they thaught about plastic reused, composting, paper collection we have created awareness about importance of waste segrgation with village people too

2023-07-19 20:06:17

Gform creation (2, one was for panchayat, and the other one was for Village people)

We went to meet panchayat memers, and asked whether they have given dustbin to everyone. If yes then what about the vehicle, then they you got know that due to driver unavability they are not able to collect it. Even though if they collect it they dont have any allocated place to dump it. Village people were using dustbins but vehicles were not coming to collect it. Due to lack of awareness they didnt complain to panchayat also

Hours Invested 263.0
Actions Taken 6


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Skill Badges
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Data Orientation
Applied Empathy
Hands on
Community Collaboration

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2023-07-19 20:06:17

Reusing the plastic

Made sure that Whole team is thinking to implement same method in this school

2023-07-19 20:06:17

Addressing paper waste issue in the school

To reduce the paper waste and resue it they have kept separate dustbin. Total 2 dustbins were given. It has been kept in the corridor. Along with that we also have added signboards. Award system has been introduced so that they maintain it regularly

2023-07-19 20:06:17

Monitoring system

from each class leaders will monitor everyday, we have nomnated a team for whole school, to address students issues, even teachers have been nominated.

2023-07-19 20:06:17

Attractive dustbin

Attractive 3 HCD were given to school, later we collected feedback to understand why they need HCD. Later we created a food waste dustbin separately. Practically we taught about compsting too.

2023-07-19 20:06:17


We went to Karnataka public school to create awarenss about the importance about waste segrgation in schools, we chose this cz we felt it was difficult to reach everyone in the village ie 7000 hence we interacted with 200 students out of 450. We have used charts for it.they thaught about plastic reused, composting, paper collection we have created awareness about importance of waste segrgation with village people too

2023-07-19 20:06:17

Gform creation (2, one was for panchayat, and the other one was for Village people)

We went to meet panchayat memers, and asked whether they have given dustbin to everyone. If yes then what about the vehicle, then they you got know that due to driver unavability they are not able to collect it. Even though if they collect it they dont have any allocated place to dump it. Village people were using dustbins but vehicles were not coming to collect it. Due to lack of awareness they didnt complain to panchayat also