
Neha Shridhara

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Last activity: 2023-07-19 19:54:52


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Hours Invested 110.0
Actions Taken 8
Skill Badges
Critical Thinking
Data Orientation
Applied Empathy
Hands on
Community Collaboration

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Expert Review

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Engaged people to implement the solution

Orientation is being for people to undestand how to use the dispensor, at GFGC KR nagar, currently it has been done for 4 classes

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Informed about the same issues to HOD and other staff

Prototype was done about the toilet paper dispensor, now we are thinking to build a product and implement in 3 institutions. High school, women and coed degree college in next 21 days.

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Raised funds to implement the solutions

With the raised money, we made sure that pavement is added, lawns, taps, washroom sink, door lock, paint. Students from other groups were part of it.

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Campaign to undestand impact of bad toilets

Spoke to teachers and shared the condition of washrooms, we were able to raise 15000 funds. Principal, MSW department HOD for taking permission to raise funds

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Planning to solve

Planned what needs to be done, approached cleaning staff, and informed what is happening cz of unhygiene condition, so started focusing on what needs to be done. Then created one more audit form about good toilet and bad toilet. Made list of materials which we need for improving toilets.

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Did personal interviews to understand qualitiative insights

Tried to understand how many people it is getting effected. Spoke to girls of GFGC KR nagar. Understood that they have water issue, cleaning staff are not cleaning it properly, Girls would stop drinking water so that they can avoid washrooms, during menstruation time girs would avoid going to washrooms

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Completed investigation

Through investigation we realised there is no proper cleanliness in KR nagar toilet. out of gform responses 294, spoke to 90 people, with the team mates he has visited 2 departments, together 8 classes

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Created an investigation campaign to crowd source data

Investigated about the improvement which is required in toilet, 20 questions were prepared in group of 5 members. Created a gform and sent it across everyone using a qr code

Hours Invested 110.0
Actions Taken 8


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Skill Badges
Critical Thinking
Data Orientation
Applied Empathy
Hands on
Community Collaboration

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2023-07-19 19:54:52

Engaged people to implement the solution

Orientation is being for people to undestand how to use the dispensor, at GFGC KR nagar, currently it has been done for 4 classes

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Informed about the same issues to HOD and other staff

Prototype was done about the toilet paper dispensor, now we are thinking to build a product and implement in 3 institutions. High school, women and coed degree college in next 21 days.

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Raised funds to implement the solutions

With the raised money, we made sure that pavement is added, lawns, taps, washroom sink, door lock, paint. Students from other groups were part of it.

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Campaign to undestand impact of bad toilets

Spoke to teachers and shared the condition of washrooms, we were able to raise 15000 funds. Principal, MSW department HOD for taking permission to raise funds

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Planning to solve

Planned what needs to be done, approached cleaning staff, and informed what is happening cz of unhygiene condition, so started focusing on what needs to be done. Then created one more audit form about good toilet and bad toilet. Made list of materials which we need for improving toilets.

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Did personal interviews to understand qualitiative insights

Tried to understand how many people it is getting effected. Spoke to girls of GFGC KR nagar. Understood that they have water issue, cleaning staff are not cleaning it properly, Girls would stop drinking water so that they can avoid washrooms, during menstruation time girs would avoid going to washrooms

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Completed investigation

Through investigation we realised there is no proper cleanliness in KR nagar toilet. out of gform responses 294, spoke to 90 people, with the team mates he has visited 2 departments, together 8 classes

2023-07-19 19:54:52

Created an investigation campaign to crowd source data

Investigated about the improvement which is required in toilet, 20 questions were prepared in group of 5 members. Created a gform and sent it across everyone using a qr code