


Last activity: 2023-07-19 18:33:32


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Hours Invested 432.0
Actions Taken 7
Skill Badges
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Hands on

Mentored a team of youth to build a facial recognition tool for good

September 2018 Developed and mentored the team to build Relief Reunite an application that used facial recognition to match missing people with their families.

Interested in
Community Building
Expert Review

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Crowdsourced Clay Ganesha Sellers for a map

August 2019 Built the first hyper-local crowdsourced data platform of clay Ganesha in Bengaluru, and thus helped reduce Plaster of Paris idol immersion in local water bodies to just 2% in Bengaluru.

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Urban flooding map for bangalore

November 2018 Developed a platform for users to map areas with urban flooding

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Mentored a team of youth to build a facial recognition tool for good

September 2018 Developed and mentored the team to build Relief Reunite an application that used facial recognition to match missing people with their families.

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Built a web infra for a Non Profit

July 2018 Ex-CTO at Why Waste? - Built the web infrastructure for the organization to improve user engagement.

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Became an Ashoka Youth Venturer

June 2018 Became an Ashoka Youth Venturer for work in various projects/ventures.

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Represented India and won the Grand Award at the Intel¨ International Science and Engineering Fair, USA

May 2018 Got selected to represent India and won the Grand Award at the Intel¨ International Science and Engineering Fair, USA

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Built FloBot - a portable mobile floating device for water quality monitoring

2017-2018 Built FloBot - a portable mobile floating device for water quality monitoring and mapping. Tested the device in 8 lakes across Bengaluru.

Hours Invested 432.0
Actions Taken 7


Looks like you don't have a bio. You may login and add your bio

Skill Badges
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Hands on

Mentored a team of youth to build a facial recognition tool for good

September 2018 Developed and mentored the team to build Relief Reunite an application that used facial recognition to match missing people with their families.

Interested in
Community Building

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Crowdsourced Clay Ganesha Sellers for a map

August 2019 Built the first hyper-local crowdsourced data platform of clay Ganesha in Bengaluru, and thus helped reduce Plaster of Paris idol immersion in local water bodies to just 2% in Bengaluru.

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Urban flooding map for bangalore

November 2018 Developed a platform for users to map areas with urban flooding

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Mentored a team of youth to build a facial recognition tool for good

September 2018 Developed and mentored the team to build Relief Reunite an application that used facial recognition to match missing people with their families.

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Built a web infra for a Non Profit

July 2018 Ex-CTO at Why Waste? - Built the web infrastructure for the organization to improve user engagement.

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Became an Ashoka Youth Venturer

June 2018 Became an Ashoka Youth Venturer for work in various projects/ventures.

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Represented India and won the Grand Award at the Intel¨ International Science and Engineering Fair, USA

May 2018 Got selected to represent India and won the Grand Award at the Intel¨ International Science and Engineering Fair, USA

2023-07-19 18:33:32

Built FloBot - a portable mobile floating device for water quality monitoring

2017-2018 Built FloBot - a portable mobile floating device for water quality monitoring and mapping. Tested the device in 8 lakes across Bengaluru.